Pressure Canner Testing



PressureCannerPressure canning is the only method for canning meat, poultry, seafood, and vegetables recommended by the USDA. The bacterium Clostridium botulinum is destroyed in low-acid foods when they are processed at the correct time and pressure in pressure canners.

The USDA recommends that pressure canner gauges be tested every year for accuracy.

The Henrico Extension Office conducts this testing at no charge for Henrico residents.

To have your dial gauge tested, bring your canner lid with the dial gauge and complete name, phone number, and e-mail address attached. Testing may take about 3 business days, and you will be notified when testing is completed and your equipment is ready to be picked up.

Dial gauges need to be checked every year for two safety reasons: safety in operation and safety in food preservation. Weighted gauges do not need to be checked. High dome canners cannot be tested.

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact Kimberly Edmonds at (804) 501-5160 or




Contact Us

Extension Office

Physical Address
8600 Dixon Powers Dr.
Henrico Government Complex, Human Services Building
Henrico, VA 23228

(804) 501-5160

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775


Office hours:
8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. EST,
Monday through Friday

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