Welcome to HenricoNews!

HenricoNews is the county’s multimedia platform for news about Henrico County general government initiatives, services, programs, events and more.

The news page is designed to offer county residents and other users helpful information in a variety of formats, including short videos, podcasts and traditional print stories. It also incorporates the county’s principal Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram accounts.

man behind TV camera
HenricoNews is a multimedia format.

“There are many ways to tell the Henrico County story,” said Ben Sheppard, director of Public Relations and Media Services. “HenricoNews will serve as the central location where all of our original content intersects, helping us to provide information to residents in a form that is convenient and easy to digest.”

The news page also enables residents to link to information about their magisterial district and representative on the Board of Supervisors, such as upcoming constituent meetings, district events and contact information.

“HenricoNews is user-friendly and fluid,” Sheppard said, noting that content will be updated regularly. “We want to keep Henrico residents informed with news that can impact their daily lives.”

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