Memo on Fraud Reporting

One of the County of Henrico’s core values is to provide our citizens with a government characterized by accountability and responsibility. In an effort to enhance this County value, the County has established a page on our website where citizens and employees may report instances of potential fraud, waste or abuse in County government.

All County General Government employees have a responsibility to help the County in its management of fraud, waste and abuse by immediately reporting instances that may come to their attention. While this has been and may continue to be done by reporting such instances to management (employee’s immediate supervisor and/or agency head), employees may also make a report directly to my office or to the Internal Auditor’s Office through the Fraud Reporting page on the County’s Website ( As always, anonymous reporting is permitted.

Every allegation of fraud, waste or abuse will be investigated thoroughly and in the most cost-effective and confidential manner. Depending on their nature and severity, some cases may be coordinated with or referred to other investigative personnel (e.g., Human Resources) or to law-enforcement personnel.

Retaliation for reporting instances of fraud, waste, or abuse is prohibited and employees are protected under the County’s Grievance Procedure. Information relating to this aspect may be obtained through the County’s Department of Human Resources.

I expect all employees to cooperate fully with any fraud investigations by providing prompt, complete, and accurate information and support. Consistent with the County’s Personnel Rules and Regulations, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken against employees involved in fraud, waste or abuse.
This memorandum (available on the above referenced website) is effective immediately and updates the September 4, 2007 memorandum on Fraud Reporting. I look to all Agency Heads and Key Officials to share this memorandum with their employees and to encourage them to understand the importance of their role relating to fraud, waste and abuse. In keeping with good standards, we will send out periodic notices in the future to remind employees of our reporting resources.

John A. Vithoulkas

[Read this memo in PDF form]

Contact Us

Internal Audit

Main Office
4305 East Parham Road
Administration Annex, Room 114
Henrico, VA 23228

Branch Office
HCPS Central Office, 2nd floor
3820 Nine Mile Road
Henrico, VA 23223

(804) 501-4292
Government Fraud Reporting Hotline (Voicemail-Only, no Caller-ID)
(804) 501-4100

(804) 501-5300

Mailing Address
P. O. Box 90775
Henrico, VA 23273-0775

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